Sunday, March 13, 2011

Defining Tragic

Gratitude. .I find myself finding gratitude in the little things. . The darling triplet fawns that came to the backyard watering spot.  The forsythia blooming with a burst of yellow in the front yard. The wind in my hair!

I am trying hard to not let this diagnosis take over my mind and my life.  Tragic is a young boy with a rare heart defect that threatens his life and cannot find a fix for it.  Tragic is a young mother threatened by breast cancer who has children she has not yet seen through college.  Tragic is a young man with a family who is just beginning chemotherpy to fight Cancer.  And this is just from my friends and family. I am sure the list is miles long. And at this time I must add those in Japan in such extreme tragic conditions.  I am humbled and a bit ashamed of my concern with self.   Tragic is not  a 68 year old grandmother  , who has raised her family and had a good life, with a treatable and hopefully cureable breast cancer.  I am fortunate, I am blessed. 



Unknown said...

30 years ago a scared little 13 year old boy arrived in Carson City, Nevada with his entire world turned upside down and a new family waiting for him there. what he discovered was that he was going to blessed in his life by having two mom's that love him! Thanks for all your love and support throughout the years Sandy. you're gonna pull thru this just fine...remember you're a hard headed Okie!! Love and Prayers, Curt.

lorena johnson said...

It is a different story all together when it is our self that gets hit with such news.
It's human to be concerned about ourselves and believe me dear heart, you have many miles to go and many people to make happy before you can turn in your badge.
We love you and want you around for a long time. Hugs!


You are fortunate, you are blessed ... and you are gonna make it, my wonderful partner in life!

Christy Pauli said...

Cancer is so limited...
It cannot cripple love.
It cannot shatter hope.
It cannot corrode faith.
It cannot eat away peace.
It cannot destroy confidence.
It cannot kill friendship.
It cannot shut out memories.
It cannot silence courage.
It cannot reduce eternal life.
It cannot quench the Spirit.