Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tiger Spirit

Looking for some tiger spirit here to combat the big "C" in the days and weeks ahead.  Friday was such a positive day and I don't have to be back to Mayo for pre-op tests till Tuesday so we are taking advantage of the days between for a trip to the zoo yesterday and traveling a couple of hours down to Tucson to visit Tom's extended family there and back here Monday night.  All this is great distractions from sitting and thinking about the "what if's". We didn't venture back in the pool here, but after a day of being on our feet opted for Baskin Robbins root beer floats over standing in line for dinner and a soak in the hot tub afterward.  I was asleep by 8.  Grr. .I am going to try and channel a little of this tiger spirit for the week ahead. But  I think he was really just a big  kitty  at heart!  Love and Hugs to all.. . Sandy 


lorena johnson said...

Haaaaaaaaaaaa! Big Kitty? LOL
Glad you are turning lemons into lemonade. Hugs

Karen Bittleston said...

Good for you!!! Sounds like too much fun to me. Leslie and I were talking about "studmuffin" and the houseboat this morning. Wish you could hav been here, she was just howling with laughter!!! We are being buried in snow again this morning. Will it ever end? Enjoy the day and the sunshine.