The lilacs have bloomed, a butterfly came and posed for a portrait and my surgeon from Mayo Clinic called and did a phone consult on my delicate condition. How good is that! I was so pleased to have a call from my surgeon, not because I had called him but because he had been given word of the problem I was having. Really, an important thing that has set Mayo apart in my mind,is that I am a medicare patient and I am treated as their most important patient. So unique in the medical world today. I slept well last night and woke without being in pain. The doctor confirmed that I was just getting excess fluid from the surgery and that it appeared that the body is now absorbing the excess and it will get better. He answered my other questions also. I knew I was feeling better but after talking to the good doctor I felt better all over again. So on with life, dragging my now slightly oversized body part along with me. I had a great photography class this morning, a good nap this afternoon and baked potatos are in the oven for dinner. Life is good and I wish this cancer thing would just get out of my way. Sometimes leaves me angry, always leaves me impatient to just get through it. I want to photograph more flowers and butterflies. This year, next year and 10 years from now. Gratitude. . I have to remember to be grateful for today. .and I am. Love to all and Hugs too. .
I really am taking this butterfly thing as a sign from spirit that all is going to be well for you Sandy.
The picture is superb and has brightened my day as well as hearing from you. Love you girl.
We had the same experience at Mayo. I am so glad you are feeling cared for, that can be some of the best medicine.
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