Sunday, May 8, 2011
Mother's Day Musings
Delightful Mother's Day here. No children close by to share it with but daughter Heidi called and I had online sharings with many people. Tom greeted me with a hot cup of coffee, a sweet card and even sweeter bag of gourmet chocolate. Scooby-Doo greeted me with a wagging tail and wanting her morning hug. I lingered at home while Tom went off the Sunday morning Quaker meeting. It would have been good to go but I am trying to pace myself with all the traveling for treatment. We went to a late brunch at a favorite place of ours, Bear Mountain Lodge. And finished the afternoon with a concert from a local chorus group singing a lot of "oldy but goody" songs. We enjoyed! We are having a quiet evening with repacking suitcases for our next week in Arizona. I was determined to pack lighter, didn't happen! Just kept pileing clothes in the bag. It happens. I will do better next week. I was thinking(this is the musings part) that it seems strange that this is Mother's Day and it was the ducts that carried the mother's milk that fed my children that have brought me into the battle with cancer. Were they the enemy that created the deranged cells that threatened my life? Or did they encase the bad cells till I had the time to have them removed instead of cancer cells dangerously wandering through my body? I prefer to think the later. I could be wrong but I prefer to think that my milk ducts allowed me to nourish my babies and came to my aid again when needed. It's Mother's Day afterall and Mother's get special privileges. . .even in musings! Today I am grateful for this 69 year old body that is my partner in fighting this disease. Happy Mother's Day to all of you moms. . Love and Hugs. .
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Hope you had a quiet, relaxing Mother's Day!
Thank you for such a great post Sandy. You always have such a wonderful perspective on anything life hands you. Bravo.
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