Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Toenails Polished-Ready For Scottsdale!

We leave in the morning for my" after surgery, radiation,infection, more surgery check up" at Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale.  Am feeling well and was anxious to get this appointment, but am also a bit on edge about it.  I am hoping to get the total blessing on my recovery, but realize that is a sometimes thing with breast cancer.  All indications are that this will go well.

 We have had good weather for February here in Silver City but I am anxious for a couple days of warmer in Scottsdale.  Toenails are polished and I am looking for a couple pairs of sandals to pack!   And we are staying across the street from a major mall with Dillards, Macys, etc.  That has got to be a plus for the trip.  We have already planned two dinners at our favorite restaurants and will be watching for a Trader Joe's to pick up our favorite ginger snaps.  I hope I can work in the 3 appointments at Mayo on Thursday! (just kidding)

  So time to take care of the before the trip chores here and get packing!  Will report back!   Gratitude continues for the good care by Mayo.. and Tom and the love and support of all of you. .and Tom.  I am fortunate in so many ways!

Sandy( the grandmother with the pink shiny toenails)


Carolyn Lou Bivens-Price said...

Sandy,, you have confronted your journey with such beautiful strength, faith, courage, and wisdom. My prayers are with you for a clean bill of Health. God Bless you. My prayers are with you.
Love & Hugs,

Anonymous said...

You can't be TOO much of a grandma if you can still reach your toe nails to make 'em shiny pink!!! Good luck!

lorena johnson said...

LOL Cathy! I'm a great grandma and can now reach mine after loosing 30 plus pounds. It is still a stretch though. Sandy, however, has remained thin and active so much more so than most of us, so I expect that will carry her through all this difficulty.
Love you Sandy!

Kathy K said...

The warmer weather sounds great! Thinking of you on your journey.