Friday, March 11, 2011

Gratitude in Easy

I am grateful for the sunrise this morning, for not being in Japan, for Scooby-Doo and Tom both waiting for their morning hug when I woke.  Wow!  Gratitude is so easy when you have Cancer.  Every day more precious. Everyone who cares for you more appreciated.

I am feeling well.  Somehow I think dealing with my diagnosis would be easier if I weren't.  I would be going to medical specialists to make me well not seeking out the best doctors I can find to do surgery on this feeling good body and to give me chemo that will make me feel worse so that it can kill off the invisible threat to my life. Gratitude. . .think gratitude. . I am grateful to live in a time that breast cancer is cureable. . I am grateful for early detection . . . I am grateful that the part of my body that I may lose is not my heart, or my kidneys or part of my brain. It is not essential to life.  I can live without a breast.  Many women do.  So can I.


Heidi said...

Love your blog site! Thank you for doing this as it is so hard to be away from you as you travel this journey. It makes me miss you more.

With that said. What in the world is that a picture of?! I tried to tell Tim but I was confused myself.

sfeutz said...

I think I have fixed the comment problem so that you don't have to have a google account to post. I do and it wouldn't even let me post. Please comment back and let me know if you can see this reply. The photo is one of the flying paper mache puppets they use in parades. It's a flying lady and the picture just "spoke to me"- and maybe just to me!

Saskia said...


Saskia said...

Dear Sandy,
For many reasons I think it's wonderful that you created this blog.
We all hope that you will find all the strength, courage, will and optimism to undertake this journey, one step at the time, with all the ones who love you. ANY time you're welcome to call your "little' Brother Dr. Les and me; we're here for you!
You know I'm not real religious, but I absolutely do believe in Angels.
I'm convinced that Angels have crossed the path Les and I walked on several times in life and I know one is going to be along your side during this challenging journey. Therefore I like to dedicate the Angel writing below to you Sandy. Lots of love and hugs from all of us.

"May You Always Have an Angel by Your Side"
May you always have an Angel by your side
Watching out for you
Helping you believe in brighter days and in dreams come true
Giving you comfort and courage
Someone to catch you if you fall
Inspiring smiles
Holding your hand and helping you through it all
May you always have an Angel by your side

Douglas Pagels, Author

sfeutz said...

What a beautiful poem and thought! Thank you Saskia. And you know I will be calling Dr. Les! Love you all. . Sandy

Saskia said...

"The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time."
Abraham Lincoln