Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Thank You God, But Could You Please. . .

All at once I am realizing that I am hearing so much about other cancer patients.  Those so much younger than I, those with families, those still in their youth and not even having the chance to live their lives.  I am so grateful for the easy path and positive prognosis I have had, but I grieve for those who are fighting the hard fight and not all of them winning.  Today my prayer was a " thank you" for all that has been handed me, and for help and a few miracles for the others.  And I was even so bold to ask God to please give someone out there the wisdom to find a cure for this horrible disease that takes so many lives too soon.  They say ask and you may receive.  So I asked.  I even said please.  

Hugs and Love,

1 comment:

lorena johnson said...

I'm glad you are thinking of the others Sandy. Love isn't isolated and we all need to sustain each other. Gratitude is wonderful and I'm sure that if everyone felt the same way you do all the horrible diseases would disappear because they would have no place to take root and spread to innocent lives.
The vibrations in this old world would be on such a high level. Hugs Youngun!