Thursday, April 7, 2011

Busy Week

Busy week of activities unrelated to my illness.  Such as the "Any Art" class I took yesterday where I decided to try acrylic paint over sections of this photo I had taken last fall.  Interesting effect and one I may play with some more.  This class and 3 others that I attended this week were an enjoyable distraction.   Next week it is back to business as I meet with the good doctors at Mayo again and find out about my treatment path.  I should just about be through healing by then and have been told that I should start treatment between 3 and 6 weeks from the time of my surgery so it appears that time is getting close.  We are staying in a more convenient to my appointments area this time and only for 2 nights.  I am  looking forward to getting past this step and knowing for sure the path ahead.  And also we will definitely hit a couple of our favorite restaurants that we don't have access to in Silver City!  Another good happening this week was being inducted into my new Kiwanis Club.   Nice people and they do great work with the youth of Silver City as well as abroad.  Feels good!   And the world feels good  to me today. . . . the politicians in Washington DC have got" the crazies". . . . .poor Japan is shaking again. . . . it's snowing again at our old home in Mancos. . . .and selfishly the world feels good to me because although I got the big bill from Mayo Hospital I know that my medicare hasn't been wrecked as of yet, I am in a warm home with all the comforts I desire. . and I have loving people around me. And in addition to this, chances are very good that I will be a cancer survivor.  How fortunate am I!  Back to the Mayo bill, all seemed  reasonable with the exception of the $174.65 bra that was put on me after surgery.  I had to laugh.  I was going to toss it,(the bra not the bill) but now I may frame  it . . I really would love to be able to recycle it for  women who go through this without any insurance!
So, dear friends, Quaker Friends, family and acquaintances, life is a roller coaster right now, but I feel all of your arms around me holding me safely in place and that wonderful light keeping me on track in this journey. Thank you, love you all,  Big Hug. . Sandy


lorena johnson said...

The art lessons sound like so much fun. It is things like that which will carry you through the rough patches. Friends and family are a given, but the fun things that occupy your mind and are creative will really help the healing process so much.
I know you are in good hands and thanks for the picture. Hugs!

Sister Vel said...

A bra that costs that much should have been made available to Ms. Veech - maybe the straps would have stayed up for her and she wouldn't have been constantly having to pull on them. I'm so grateful that you are in the trustworthy hands of Mayo.

Diana Guraedy said...

Hi Sandy,
Haven't taken time to drop a note for a while, but I have been keeping up with you and Tom.

When I read of your night with heat, cold, tylenol, and conversations with doctors about your part, I thought I would share a story with you.

After Paul had his kidney removed back in '95, he was at the doctor's for a checkup. He told her he was curious about what happened to the void that the removal of the kidney, fat and adrenal gland had formed..She told him not to worry about it because the space would be used. He said "what?". She replied "well, for example, your intestines, etc., will just "flop" over to fill the space up!!! We had a good chuckle about that.

Just another example of "survivor" humor....except in your case I keep thinking, well.. nothing can "flop" there so it just "filled" with fluid.... Strange thoughts to keep us amused!! Glad things are sorting themselves out.

Good luck with the checkup this week. Hope you have time to do some "fun" stuff.

Love to you and Tom too.